
Heidegger (The Fourfold)

"The monument on the grave of Martin Heidegger, the son of the Messkirch barrel maker, offers only one sign to our eyes--a small star. The paths of the cross, this star written at the core of earth and speech, does not allow thought to lose itself, over there, among the 'stars' of the world. Instead, the path leads thought back within its limits through some forest paths, whereby mortals, born from earth, return to earth..."

Jean-Francois Mattei, "The Heideggerian Chiasmus."

What Is Your Tradition?

In a Symmetry

Heidegger's existential phenomenology is central to the tradition guiding my work, mediating between the origins of literacy in the Athenian Academies and contemporary French poststructuralism (Derrida). Ereignis as an event of appropriation names your relation to a tradition: it is where I am.
