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The Reflection Essay

The reflection essay is meant to provide you with a chance to reflect on your work in the first eight weeks of the semester and to re-evaluate your progress as writers. I am particularly interested in your adjustment to the new modes of research writing, but also, of course, in your thoughts about online writing classes. The reflection letter is not meant to only praise or glorify the class or your performance in it. Instead, it is meant to be a balanced, well-thought account of the following. The essay must be at least two double-spaced pages long

1. Think of ALL the different kinds of research you have done so far in this course. How do they compare to the research you did for writing projects in the past? Try to complicate things and go beyond the "like/do not like" distinction. Try to evaluate the benefits/disadvantages of all kinds of research in which you have engaged.

2. What is your most successful research and writing experience so far in this class? Why?

3. What is the least successful? Why?

4. have any changes occurred in your understanding of research writing since the beginning of this class? If so, summarize them in one or two paragraphs. If no changes have occurred, just say "no."

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