Intervention Four: Include Popular Culture Texts on Syllabi and in Class Discussions.
No pedagogical intervention legitimates a text for students as much as a teacher's including the text in a list of assigned readings and then discussing the text in class. Our research indicates that students do not always regard popular media with seriousness, so including it formally in course planning can be a powerful pedagogical move. Alongside books like Health & Physical Assessment, Application of Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis: An Interactive Text for Diagnostic Reasoning, and Fundamentals of Nursing: Concept, Process, and Practice, then, for instance, which Sandra assigns in her Basic Concepts of Holistic Nursing Care course, she might add a movie like Misery or Patch Adams and some short fiction. Nursing students can reference websites devoted to news, like that of the Cable News Network (CNN), once or twice a week for ten or fifteen minutes and scan the stories to look for any that pertain to health care and nursing. An intervention like this one does not need to take up considerable time in a class. Our suggestion is simply that integrating it into course syllabi and class discussions will make a powerful difference in how students think about the importance of popular culture in shaping their sense of nursing as a profession.