Developing "Fair Exam Questions - Accommodating Output Difficulties

Multiple Choice


bullet Avoid negatives or multiple negatives.
Example:  True/False: A learning disability does not mean the inability to learn
bullet Avoid "trick" questions, or questions that hinge on minutia.
bullet Avoid questions that present numerous concepts in one test item

Essay and Short Answer  

bigger bullet Allow students with disabilities the opportunity to take essay/short answer exams on the computer and with extra time.
bigger bullet Be aware that students with learning disabilities have difficulty writing complete, clear sentences.
bigger bullet Be aware that they difficulty with directions like, "discuss," "analyze," and "relate."  Rather than asking the question "Analyze the economic impact of slavery on the South," you might develop the question, "Explain how the loss of slave labor affected southern farmers and plantation owners."


crossed out bullet Don’t give matching lists that have more than eight items.   This causes confusion as student have difficulty remembering how each item differs from the others.
crossed out bullet Don’t have "extra" items left over in a matching list.  This causes confusion about if the student "understood" the question (e.g., did they miss part of the text?).

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