Lisa Hammond Rashley
University of South Carolina Lancaster
English Department | 213 James Bradley Arts and Sciences
Post Office Box 889 | Lancaster, SC 29721
office phone: 803-313-7044 | fax: 803-313-7106
Blackboard Login Instructions for Currently
Enrolled Students
These login directions are a little more detailed, for students who've
been having trouble so far, or for those less comfortable with computers.
Be sure to try each step carefully; if you can't get logged in despite
working through these steps, please email me at
Because of problems with the new Blackboard software, it's entirely possible
that you did everything exactly right and still can't get logged into the
course, so it's important to contact Computer Services if you've unable
to login after following these directions.
Step One: Get your network username and password
Step Two: Logging into Blackboard
Step Three: Logging into Gamecock E-Mail (GEM)
Step Four: I still can't get in! Help!
Step Five: How do I order my textbook?
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Step One: Get your network username
and password
Go to
and click login.
Enter your USC ID and PIN. Your USC ID number is your social security number.
Initially, your PIN should be the numeric representation of your month
and day of birth. For example, if you were born on April 27, your PIN would
be 0427. If you're logging into VIP for the first time, the system will
also prompt you to change your PIN for security reasons--go ahead and change
the PIN, and then log into VIP again.
Once you're in VIP, select the Technology tab.
You'll see your network username towards the bottom of the screen; usually
your username will be some combination of your initials and your last name.
Make a note of your username.
Directly below your username, click the link to change your password.
The next screen will tell you that your password has been reset to your
social security number, and will then require you to click the link to
reset your password again.
Next you'll see a space to type in your username, your old password (your
social security number), and a new password of your choice. Please read
the onscreen directions for choosing a password. You'll have to enter the
new password twice to verify you've entered it correctly.
You should now see a screen that says your password has successfully been
changed. You now have the network username and password that you need to
log into Blackboard
and to use the new Gamecock
, which is how your
instructor will communicate with you through Blackboard.
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Step Two: Logging into Blackboard
Go to
and click login.
Enter your username and password.
You should now be redirected to a page called "My USC," which will include
a link on the right hand side of the screen to all the courses you're enrolled
in this semester.
Click on Women in Culture. You should now be in the class.
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Step Three: Logging into Gamecock E-Mail
You'll already have email waiting for you in your GEM account, which is
how your instructor can email you through Blackboard, so once you're in
Blackboard, you'll also need to check your email.
To check your GEM account, first go to
To login to the system, first click on the the Webmail icon on the screen.
This will take you to the GEM web interface login screen.
Enter your username and your password to access your mailbox. Your email
address will be your network user name@MAILBOX.SC.EDU. If you've used a
web-based email program like Hotmail or Yahoo mail before, you'll have
no trouble from this point on. If this is the first time you've used email,
you can click here
for more information about using GEM.
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Step Four: I still can't get in! Help!
If you can't get your username and password, or if you've successfully
gotten that information and can log into GEM but not Blackboard, you next
need to contact Computer Services.
Call Computer Services at 1-803-777-1800. Or you can call Distance
Education toll-free at 1-800-922-2577 and ask them to transfer you to Computer
Services so you don’t run up a horrible phone bill.
They'll ask you a few questions and make a ticket for you to request the
help you need. Let them know that you're in a class that meets only online,
and ask that they make your request a priority.
Finally, let me know at what problems you're having--keep
me posted, and perhaps I can help to hurry Computer Services up as well.
Good luck.
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Step Five: How do I order my textbook?
Our book is:
Feminist Philosophies: Problems, Theories,
and Applications, second edition, edited by Janet A. Kourany, James
P. Sterba, and Rosemarie Tong. The book was published by Prentice Hall
in 1999. The ISBN is 0-13-398538-5 (search by ISBN whenever possible).
You can order this book through just about any bookstore, online or
physical, and your price should be around $42.00 (plus shipping and handling
if ordered online--although sometimes you can find coupons for online bookstores
that will offset these charges, and you can also find used copies through
online textbook suppliers). I'm not permitted to recommend any specific
online bookstore to you, but if you have any problems finding the book,
please email me at
Also, please note that you don't have to use a credit card number online
if you'd prefer not to--most online bookstores have the option of allowing
you to call in your information, or to mail in a check. You should go ahead
and order your book as soon as possible, so that you can be sure of having
it in time for our initial readings. Be aware that some bookstores may
not have the book immediately on hand, while others keep it in stock, so
look around a bit, and please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if
you have any questions or need help.
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101 on the Web"