The space into which this project pours is the rejection of the production model. Perhaps unfortunately, this rejection will have some (anti-)formative implications on the project, in that the project becomes a response to the failure of production.
In participating in a response, you become response-ive or response-ible: in responding, you import the presence of that to which you re-spond. But I want to leave production behind. The possibility of doing so might be questionable, but the explicit-ness of the problem will make it easier (am I fooling myself?) to recognize and deal with the aftershocks of the explosion of production when they occur.
No way exists within the model of production to strip away the fetishization of an object, dispelling exchange value and revealing use value. Consumptive writing, in an alternative, fatal strategy, maximizes its own fetishization.
The production model sees exchange-value in glimpses. In the consumption model we do not, because exchange value is the quantity of one object paid by a distinct subject to another distinct subject for another object. Consumption does not recognize subjectivity as a truth-value, but as a fleeting possibility.
Use-value suggests consistent use. Exchange value suggests the social. Consumption value suggests the personal. Not the personal eye, but the personal smell. Not necessarily the personal smell, but, as Hans Kellner has said, something like the whiff. Not necessarily the whiff, but something like eating beef tongue, when you are not sure who is licking and who is getting licked. Like a carnivorous French kiss, only German in its suggestion of darkness--but can we get away from the metaphoric of sight altogether?
Reader-oriented theory would be embraced by a model of consumption but for its glorification of the reading subject. In the anti-formality of reader oriented theory there is something of the mode of consumption; however, if the text goes, so does the subject, unless we are to belief in some kind of idealism, but one where the ideals remain subjective: but that's stupid.
In the mode of consumption, it never becomes necessary to deny the object, or even the subject, for that MATTER, because the subject and the object are already indistinguishable and constantly dis-appear as they are consumed.
Consumption is almost like a reading strategy, but more like a style, and it cannot be taught, but gets imbibed passively, or in/by a middle voice: it never becomes clear whether eye am reading or getting read.
Subjectivity is not rejected but sniffed out as an I.D.-ology. What is left is to be consumed by the seduction of the object.
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