Kairoi Update
News about the Journal's Team
Many of us at Kairos have been rather busy since the last issue, so we thought we'd provide a personal update for our readers. As Mick Doherty mentioned during his time as Editor, a section like this may seem a little too mushy for some readers, but we value the mix of professional and personal in our community, and we had a few bytes left over, so....
- Nick Carbone (Reviews Editor) has begun a new job as Writing Center Director at Colorado State University. CSU may sound familiar to Kairos readers; issue 2.2 included the webtext, "Hypertext Reflections," written in part by CSUers Michael Palmquist, Luann Barnes, and Kate Kiefer.
- James Inman (News Editor) has a book in press with Donna Sewell, Taking Flight with OWLs: Examining Electronic Writing Center Work. The book, due out in 1999, contains essays from Eric Crump and Joel English, two Kairos Editorial Board members.
- Dene Grigar and John Barber (Editorial Board) married in July and spent their honeymoon in France, where they also presented a paper at the NCTE Bordeaux Conference. Dene also has received a large grant to develop a MOO at Texas Woman's University.
- Cindy Wambeam (Editorial Board) also married since our last issue. Cindy and her husband, Jeff House, appropriately met online at MediaMOO.
- Johndan Johnson-Eilola (Editorial Board) was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor of English at Purdue University last spring. This fall Johndan took over as Director of Professional Writing at Purdue.
- Jeff Galin (Editorial Board) has co-authored a book with Joan Latchaw, The Dialogic Classroom: Teachers Integrating Computer Technology, Pedagogy, and Research. The book will be released by NCTE this fall, perhaps by the time this announcement reaches press.
- Lee Honeycutt (Editorial Board) is now working as an Assistant Professor of English at Iowa State University, where he is teaching First-Year Composition and Technical Writing in computerized classrooms. Lee is planning to teach two experimental courses in the spring: "Rhetoric, Technology, and Professional Communication" and "Writing for the World Wide Web."