Laura Sceniak Matravers
"I Move. I Write. I Move."



[video of Laura driving on top of image of screen with word-processing windows open]

When I write, I write off-screen. I compose when I'm busy doing other things. That's usually when I have my best ideas. When I can't write anything down.

[video of Laura sitting with another person at a table and talking on top of image of screen with word-processing windows open]

But then, I take the ideas that do stick and I talk. I talk to people and when I do, I  move. I move my hands. I move my ideas out from inside my head and say them out loud. And we go back and forth and share ideas. They shape each other. They form something new.

[video of Laura sitting and writing with pen and paper]

And I sit down. And I write. And I move. And I move between the screen and my paper and I keep writing. My composing process happens in the background. Much of my writing is informed by the other people in my life.

[sped up video of people in a classroom, talking and moving around]

Such as my classmates and my husband and sometimes, when I'm drinking coffee and talking, I have a really great idea.

[video of Laura and man sitting at table, drinking coffee]

But sometimes when I sit back down, I get... I get stuck and so I get up and I move and I keep moving and I keep writing. Because when I write, I write off-screen. I write things in my head. When I'm busy doing other things. Much of my composing process happens in the background of my daily life.

[video of Laura looking frustrated sitting with pen; change to video of Laura working out and then running outside]

[video of tree tops, shot from below]

During my interactions with other people, and even when I'm alone. But no matter who I'm with or not with, my best ideas usually come when I'm moving.

So I try not to sit still for too long.