• Hash Tags

    CCCC 2010 Twitter stream

    Overload is the obvious problem of an information space in which information is gathered automatically, for activities both momentous and mundane, shared with the world. Tagging becomes a crucial way of making information locatable.

    For example, hashtags, the cryptic little phrases prepended with #, provide ways to quickly filter an ongoing stream of data, locating information trends in broad, fast-moving flows. Usually informal, hashtags are words that informal communities invent, words that engage and act.

    Kinect-enabled Twitter

    In 2011, I worked with Ryan Kornheisl and Anne Wysocki to develop a Kinect-enabled Twitter client. We appropriated the hashtag #cccc2011, being used by attendees at the annual Conference on College Composition and Communication, to create a pool of text for remixing. The camera in the Kinect follows users' gestures as they push text around on the screen, assembling a tweet to send back to Twitter.

    People using the system operate at and across the boundaries between virtual and real, body and text. This has long been true: Printing itself played with those boundaries. Telecommunications accelerates that.

    Teleconference at CCCC