Techno-velcro to Techno-memoria is an intergenerational collection of techno-memories illustrating the impact of techno-literacies on family communication practices. Guests participating in Techno-velcro to Techno-memoria add their voices to create a rich resource of techno-rhetorical connections. Our guest-collaborators remember and describe moments where family, technology, and rhetoric have mixed in their lives.


While all responses focused generally on family, we have divided Techno-velcro to Techno-memoria into a number of courses or topoi based on our guests' responses. The topoi we have pulled apart and velcroed together are separated into Generations, Ambivalence, Hybrid, and Love. Each section includes our guests' memories, a connection of their memories to theory, and our comments on the memories and theory. Finally, we collect and velcro together the challenges we’ve found and offer ways to turn these challenges into classroom possibilities—a pedagogy of techno-memoria.

We recommend that before moving on to our topoi you begin this text by reading our Prelude and Literature Review. In our Prelude, you will find a fuller description of our purposes for the project as well as the project's origin story. Our Lit. Review provides a theoretical frame for Techno-velcro by considering what those in rhetoric and composition (Insiders) and what those outside of rhetoric and composition (Outsiders) are saying about communication, technology, and family.