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By: Amy Hawkins

Hospitality 7

Kaufman explains that intellectual hospitality is ultimately"a mode of being in common that is not a form of correcting or out-mastering the other, but rather a way of joining with the other in language or in thought so that what is created is a community of thought that known no bounds, a hospitality that liquidates identity, a communism of the soul" (141). In this quotation I see direct connection with revolution. Here, Kaufman uses the word communism and invokes a sense of spirituality in talking about the soul. But this, this provocative and evocative notion, this idea that has been played with and touched on throughout the book, is never directly addressed. This is the last sentence of her book. But it is not an end. I took this sentence as an invitation to look for the rhetoric of humanity, to note the connection with spirit and hospitality.