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By: Amy Hawkins

Reflections from Far, Far Away 3

Wed March 24 8:43


There is definitely something about the Africaans culture here. These folks, even when they have every good intention of accepting the changes, appear very much affected by having to shift their understanding of power. The art of negotiation and reading people feels a little lost on them. The Africans also seem to have adaptation and accommodation sort of built into their lives. And last night on the way home from dinner, George and Rose reflected on the ability in the black person to forgive. I had to agree, especially when I pointed out that I think that the queer community deals with complexity much better – if you don't, you crumble. If you don't forgive, you snap. It was pretty insightful and interesting. And it was a place to begin thinking about how these two worlds are somewhat related.

Really what I am considering is the idea of being a kind of hybrid – a betwixt and between person. And this whole country is caught between at least two – if not many models of reality. Certainly there is complexity in America, but there seesm to be a great sense of shared reality. Even if you live on the South side of Chicago, you ride the same transportation system, you shop at the same kinds of stores. Here, things are still very separate and ONLY the richest, most privileged, the folks who were middle and upper class when they were moved out of the town's center back in the 1950s seem able to have recovered, getting educated, waiting for when the doors to universities opened again.