CommonSpace: A Review

by Nancy Tucker

CommonSpace is a new collaborative writing software package from Sixth Floor Media which allows two or more people to work easily together to create and/or revise an electronic document and to comment on each other's writing. This collaboration could be between a teacher and a student, a group of students, two or more professionals working on an article, an author and an editor.

CommonSpace borrows from a time-honored traditional approach--teacher or editor writing in the margins of a print document--and gives the approach an electronic twist. According to the CommonSpace User's Guide,  "Much as people put comments in the margins on paper, CommonSpace allows users to create annotations in columns that can be viewed in parallel with the main text." Basically, CommonSpace allows users to create, attach, and manipulate columns related to the text itself; it provides an ever-expandable space for marginal comments. An ingenious model, I think.

See CommonSpace Sample 1 | See CommonSpace Sample 2

To read any of the following sections, click on its name.
Some Salient Facts about the Reviewer | Testing Approach | The User Can . . .
List of Features (detailed list below) | Comments on Features | Overall Assessment