Solvitur ambulando, caveat lector

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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 21:27:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: "David K. Balcom" <>
To: John Nathan Tolva <>
Subject: what's

a farrago?

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Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 07:45:31 -0500
From: Lutz Koepnick <>
X-Sender: lkoep@papaya
To: John Tolva <>
Subject: Re: hegirascope


no, I have never heard of this device, although it seems fascinating--an optical gadget that transports us into foreign and exotic countries, woo! Might be just some sort of filter you mount in front of the camera; like the Schuefftan one, used in Metropolis, which mirrors two sets onto one filmic plane.

"Hegirascope" is a word of dubious venue originally applied to a German 35mm camera but now generally assumed to mean _farrago_.

farrago (fe'reigeu). Also 8-9 farago.
[a. L. farra-go mixed fodder for cattle, hence fig. a medley, confused mixture, f. farr-, far spelt, corn.]
A confused group; a medley, mixture, hotchpotch.
(obs) a. of material things or of persons. Obs.
1632 B. JONSON Magn. Lady i. vii, Hee..holds..their causes, a farragoe, Or a made dish. 1677 HALE Prim. Orig. Man. ii. iii. 149 The People were a Farrago, collected and gathered out of the neighbouring Nations. 1789 G. WHITE Selborne (1853) II. xxx. 245 Among this farrago also were to be seen some maggots.
b. of immaterial things.
1637-50 ROW Hist. Kirk (1842) 371 A strange miscellanie, farrago, and hotch-potch of Poperie, Arminianisme, and what not. 1783 POTT Chirurg. Wks. II. 7 Ancient surgery was..loaded with a farrago of external applications. A. 1827 CANNING Poet. Wks. (1827) 41 No longer we want This farrago of cowardice, cunning, and cant. 1876 C. M. DAVIES Unorth. Lond. 120 A farrago of the Lord's Prayer, the Litany of the Church of England, and the extemporaneous effusion of Dr. Cumming himself.

The original working title was "This Is Your Brain on the Internet,"
but that's okay, my parents almost called me Casey.

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