Cover Web
Online Writing Labs:
Should We?
Will We?
Are We?
Hypertextual writing resources, on the Web and elsewhere, are forcing
-- or is that "allowing"? -- students, teachers and administrators to
re-think and re-evaluate the ways we help students learn to write. Perhaps
no resource available has had more of an effect over the last year than the
sudden plethora of Online Writing Labs (OWLs) available.
But, "OWL" means different things to different audiences, and as a means of
providing a multi-layered, multi-perspectival view of what some of those
meanings are, Kairos enlisted the aid of five academics with
varying degrees of vested interest in OWLs, to review, comment and inform.
Alphabetically, then, this web brings you:
Stuart Blythe's
Why OWLs? Value, Risk, and Evolution;;
J Paul Johnson's Writing Spaces:
Technoprovocateurs and OWLS in the Late Age of Print;
Camille Langston's
Resistance and Control: The Complex Process of Creating an OWL;
Jane Lasarenko's
PR(OWL)ING AROUND: An OWL by Any Other Name;
Suzan Moody's
OWLs and ESL Students
Navigational Advice
The five "individual" hypertexts have been interlinked to form one larger resource;
however, each is also a stand-alone commentary. Begin with any one of them!
This web was peer-reviewed by Lee Honeycutt and Amy Hanson.