Facts About The Epiphany Project
The Epiphany Project: An Annenberg/CPB - ACW Project
Directed by Trent Batson, PhD, Gallaudet University
Co-Principal Investigators:
Steve Gilbert, AAHE
John O'Connor, George Mason University
Epiphany will provide:
online and telephone consultingprint materials (late spring, 1996)
the "Epiphany Package" (late summer, 1996, at cost, including a
professionally-produced training video)
print materials to allow institutions to set up 1-day, 3- day, or
1-week workshops in computers and writin
video with a number of training points (to pause at and work from)
electronic syllabus archive and syllabus builder homepage
Trent Batson, Gallaudet University, Director
Steve Gilbert, AAHE, Principal Investigator
John O'Connor, George Mason University, Principal Investigator
Robert Kozma, SRI International, Materials Developer and Consultant
Chris Padilla, SRI International, Materials Developer and Consultant
Randall Bass, Georgetown University, Materials Developer and Consultant
Judy Williamson, George Mason University, Project Manager and
Research Assistant
Anne Woodlief, Virginia Commonwealth University, Classroom Consultant
Mike Keller, Virginia Commonwealth University, Site Director
Dona Hickey, University of Richmond, Classroom Consultant
Joe Essid, University of Richmond, Site Director
Jon Wergin, Virginia Commonwealth University
Pat Hutchings, AAHE and University of Wyoming
Joy Peyton, Center for Applied Linguistics
Cynthia Selfe, Michigan Technological University
Gail Hawisher, University of Illinois
Chip Bruce, University of Illinois
Bill Condon, University of Michigan
Mark your calendars:
"Teaching & Learning with Technology"
February 9-10, 1996, a Mid-Atlantic Alliance for Computers & Writing conference at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. Featured speakers to include:
Michael Joyce
Carolyn Guyer
Nancy Kaplan
Stuart Moulthrop
and John O'Connor, Trent Batson, Randy Bass, Steve Gilbert (AAHE Teaching
and Learning with Technology Roundtable program), Leslie Harris
("Composition in Cyberspace" Project), Steve Ehrmann ("Flashlight" Project)
and many others.
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Kairos 1.1 (Spring 1996): News