The University of Georgia Speech Communication Department invites GRADUATE students to submit papers, extended abstracts, panels, and programs that have general interest to the field of communication study. Areas of interest may include, but are not limited to, interpersonal, rhetorical, organizational, intercultural, telecommunication and mass communication studies, health communication, women's studies in communication, cultural studies, philosophy of communication, and communication education. Panels, programs, and papers submitted may be theoretical, methodological, empirical, interpretive, or critical in nature. Submissions related to future trends of the Speech Communication discipline, diversity and multiculturalism, or graduate student concerns are especially welcome.
The purpose of the Southeastern Speech Communication Conference is to encourage discipline-wide awareness of graduate student research, scholarship, and creative activity, to foster appreciation of the role these components play in the evolution of the communication field, and to promote the academic and professional development of a multicultural community of researchers, scholars and artists linked by a common enthusiasm for learning.
The goals of this conference will be accomplished by, but not limited to, the following events and activities: a wide variety of presentational sessions devoted to graduate academic exchange, professional development programs (e.g., "Vita Preparation," "Marketing Your Scholarship," "Tips on Grant Writing"), nationally renowned keynote speakers, and possible opportunities for publication. Conference planners are committed to creating an event that is both stimulating and affordable for graduate students. Registration fees will be nominal and alternative housing arrangements will be made available.
Papers submitted for review should not exceed 25 double- spaced, typewritten pages (excluding the title page, abstract, references, tables, and figures). Papers should include a detachable title page indicating: name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), and institutional affiliation of author(s). Program proposals should include: (1) program title and rationale; (2) name and institutional affiliation of program chair, respondent, and participants; and (3) a titled abstract of each participants' presentation. Please send three copies of all submissions to:
The Graduate Forum
Speech Communication Department
110 Terrell Hall
The University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602-1725
For more information contact The University of Georgia
Speech Communication Dpt by: phone (706)542-4893, fax
542-3245, or email
Submissions must be postmarked by January 15, 1996.
Kairos 1.1 (Spring 1996): News