October 19-22, 1996
The Sheraton-Imperial
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
The cities of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill form the corners of North
Carolina's internationally renowned Research Triangle Park. This area
houses not only one of the largest corporate and research complexes in the
world, but also three of North America's top academic institutions: North
Carolina State University (Raleigh), Duke University (Durham), and the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill). The Research
Triangle itself contains hundreds of corporate and research institutions,
and stresses the interrelationship between corporate, academic, and
user-oriented research.
SIGDOC 96 focuses on how developing new technologies (such as object-oriented software, SGML, HTML, and VRML, and other systems that integrate text, sound, video, and animation) challenge the way designers of computer documentation produce usable texts and systems. These new technologies cause us, as documentation experts, to re-conceptualize our roles and our training. These new technologies also cause us to rethink how diverse audiences interact with information.
Historically, corporations, researchers, and user communities have tackled these problems separately. SIGDOC 96 will marshal the efforts of corporations, researchers, and user communities to respond actively to the challenges presented by new technologies.
Kairos 1.1 (Spring 1996): News