Computers and Composition Online Journal

The Computers and Composition online journal invites electronic submissions for publication on its NEW WorldWide Web site, now opening at The purpose of this site is to provide a vigorous fourm for the submission and publication of electronic texts on the topic of computers and composition that go beyond traditional print formats to include audio, sound, video, and hypertext. Contributions may take the form of electronic manuscripts, hypertexts, multimedia constructions, or Web documents in html format.

We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics related to computers and composition, including reports of research, reflective or theoretical essays, personal accounts of teaching experiences, book and software reviews, poetry, professional articles, or bibliographies.

Submission form: Maximum size of submissions is 5 MB. Contributions must be submitted in electronic form, either via email (as an attachment), URL or FTP address, or computer disk. Please send submissions to

Submission review: All submissions will be blind reviewed, electronically, by our web site editorial board. Hence, all identifying information should be removed from the document upon submission. Authors should make sure to include the titles of their submission as well as their names, email addresses, and telephone numbers in an accompanying email message to the web editors (Keith Comer, via or Margaret Syverson,
Style: Insofar as possible, submissions should conform to the guidelines presented in the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.


Kairos 1.1 (Spring 1996): News