MIJoyce@vassar.edu. is currently involved as a tutor or committee
member in guiding the writing of five Vassar College senior theses, all of
them in hypertext, three in English, one in women's studies, and the fifth
an independent major. Four of these are by women--one on hypertext and
french feminist theory; one on the nature of authority in texts and the
construction of reader communities and its relationship to feminist
discourse; one a thematically linked close reading of the novels of
Virginia Woolf; one an interactive study and simulation of wholistic
approaches to health care; and the last, by the man, is a study of
narrative and a narrative of gender construction.
Joyce asked these writers to join with him in writing a hypertextual
"letter" on the invitation of the
editors and offered each writer her choice of attributed text and links
(i.e., authorship) or collaborative and communal text and links. All,
including Joyce, chose the latter option.
Joyce is currently Randolph Distinguished Visiting Associate Professor of
English and the Library at Vassar. The other writers, all Vassar seniors,
are Lauren Creamer, Sharon Dolente, Stephanie Harzewski, Heather Malin,
and Noah Pivnick.
Although there is no beginning in a polyvocal text, there are nonetheless
sequences (some of them authored although anonymous) and so the six authors
have each created a single entry point of their choosing below (the order
of authors is random and does not reflect the order in which they are
characterized above).
Five Three Six Two One
In addition links below offer as many beginnings as there are sections of
this letter and may bring you into the middle of a sequence.
A Concern
Class Issue
including technology
Informed Opinion
Most Unfortunate
process ii
process iii
separating technology
Syllabus as Vortex
Synaptic Symposium
the picture
process iv
whom do we ask?
writing theory