What Matters Who Writes? What Matters Who Responds?

Andrea Lunsford, Rebecca Rickly, Michael Salvo, and Susan West

This point is exactly what is at issue (or at least one of the points that were at issue) in the Kinko's case, in which Basic Books won its suit against Kinko's for infringement of copyright in producing course packets. Kinko's argued, among other things, that the "value" of these packets lay in the way they were selected and put together by the professor of the course and that this "value" should be recognized. Not so, said the court in deciding in favor of Basic Books. I suspect we have not heard the end of this debate, for exactly the reasons Esther Dyson raises in her essay on intellectual property in Wired.

Postmodern (un)grounding * Collaboration * Copy(w)right/Ownership * Possible Futures

Title Page * Conclusions