What Matters Who Writes? What Matters Who Responds?

Andrea Lunsford, Rebecca Rickly, Michael Salvo, and Susan West

Where might we then situate classroom authority?

I don't have a comprehensive answer to this question, but I do think we can make a good beginning by trying to shift our emphasis, in regard to authority, from rights to responsibilities. In other words, I think we as teachers can locate classroom authority in the way we take responsibility for our actions, our position in the class, our embeddedness in institutional power structures. Most of all, we can locate classroom authority in our response-ability, in our literal and metaphoric ability to respond to student readers and writers. As Esther Dyson suggests, our value then lies not in the knowledge products we amass and dispense but rather in our relationship to that knowledge and to our students, in the responses we make to them, and in the processes we use in guiding students to explore their own responsibilities. Second, we must continue to address the pressing questions surrounding authorship and what constitutes it.

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Postmodern (un)grounding * Collaboration * Copy(w)right/Ownership * Possible Futures

Title Page * Conclusions