I ran this experiment on October 8th, 1995. And in
forty-five minutes I had spent $50.00 on:
Company Name Price Item
American Book Center $5.00 Lottery Entry
Awesome Designs 1.50 Davinci Photo
Virtual Beggar 2.00 Donation
Monty Python Shop 0.50 Cheese Shop Sketch
Bytown Market 10.00 Postcard (snail mail)
Laurent Demailly 2.00 Recipe
Cyphersite 2.00 Donation
Datapig 1.00 Unix Software
Deppe Enterprises 1.00 Crater Lake Picture
Electric Wonderland 1.00 Edinburgh Picture
EPIC 2.00 Donation
EBS 5.00 Product Lottery
F&M 2.00 Landscape Pictures
Intershop 3.00 (2) Dolphin Pictures
Primenet 1.00 Yet Two More Pictures
NCSA 1.00 (2) Employee Hotlists
Puzzle Gallery 2.00 Macintosh Puzzle Game
Road Runner Shop 1.00 (2) Pictures From a Party
Romanian Home Page 2.00 Donation
Samaritans of Chelt. 2.00 Donation
West Bank Industries 1.00 (2) Chemistry Photos
Words & Sentences 1.00 (5) Sets of Poems
When I was a kid, banks gave out toasters, blankets,
and blenders if you set up an account with them. I
wish DigiCash would have been giving away blenders.
So why doesn't my list add up to $100?