These are the titles of the essays in
The Last Harvest (1922)
Titles with * are sections of ``Sundown Papers''
Titles with ** are sections of ``Short Studies in Contrasts''
Alphabet, The*...
Another Word on Thoreau...
Bergson and Telepathy*...
Critical Glance into Darwin, A...
Daily Papers, The*...
Day by Day...
Emerson and His Journals...
Evolution of Evolution, The*...
Facing The Mystery*...
Flies in Amber...
Following One's Bent*...
Genius and Talent**...
Invention and Discovery**...
Meteoric Men and Planetary Men*...
Notes on The Psychology of Old Age*...
Palm and Fist**...
Positive and Negative**...
Praise and Flattery**...
Re-reading Bergson*...
Reds of Literature, The*...
Short Studies in Contrasts**...
Sundown Papers...
Town and Country**...
Transient and The Permanent, The**...
What Makes a Poem?...
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