These are the titles of the essays in
Far and Near (1904)
(Titles with * are sections of ``In Green Alaska'')
August Days...
Babes in The Woods...
Bird Life in Winter...
Birds' Free Lunch, A...
Crossing The Continent*...
Hall and St. Matthew Islands*...
Harriman Fiord*...
In Green Alaska...
In Yukutat Bay*...
Inland Passage, The*...
Lost February, A...
Lynn Canal and Skagway*...
Multnomah Falls*...
New Gleanings in Old Fields (1 of 2)...
Port Clarence*...
Prince William Sound*...
Return Trip, The*...
Seal Islands, The*...
Shoshone Falls and Canyon*...
St. Elias and The Fairweather Range*...
St. Lawrence Island*...
To The Lapland Longspur (verse)*...
To The Oregon Robin in Alaska (verse)*...
Two Birds'-Nests...
White Pass*...
Wild Life about My Cabin...
Wrangell and Juneau*...
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