Get to know..
John Burroughs
America's Most Beloved
Nature Writer
This hypertext is an introduction to the writings and life of John Burroughs (1837-1921)
, one of the most popular nature writers of his time, who is now being "rediscovered" for his ecological foresight and sensitivity to nature at one's doorstep. The site is large, multi-faceted, and gives visitors a peacefully quiet and stress-relieving visit with an American writer who rewards our attention every bit as much today as he did when he was alive. The web author hopes that the section entitled "Contemporary Nature Writers" will encourage modern-day essayists on ecological themes to contribute
their writings to this on-going project.
Author's Bio:
Walt Carroll says he's not sure whether to describe himself as a businessman-educator or an educator-businessman. He established his company, Olympic Media Information (A Clearinghouse for Educational Films and Videos) in 1967. In 1996, he is about to publish his widely used databases, the "Educational Media Locator" and the "Healthcare Media Locator" in interactive versions. He has done teacher training at the State University of New York and taught desktop publishing at Ulster County (NY) Community College. His current academic affiliation is with the (online) Globewide Network Academy, where he distance-teaches the course he developed while at America Online, "Quick, Concise, Correct Writing," along with a new workshop, "HTML: An Introduction for Writers."
Front node of Kairos 1.1 archived version of this hypertext.
This web was peer-reviewed by Dean Fontenot and Steve Krause