
  1. Bryant, Adam and Check, Erika. "How Parents Raise Boys and Girls. Newsweek: Your Child. Fall/Winter 2000: 64-65.
  2. Campenni, C. Estelle. "Gender Stereotyping of Children’s Toys: A Comparison of Parents and Nonparents." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. January 1999: 1-12.
  3. Carine T. G. M. Ex. "Maternal Influence on Daughter’s Gender Role Attitudes." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. February 1998: 1-13.
  4. Carter, Raphael. "What is Gender?" 1994-2000. 
  5. Feit, Debbie. "The Boy of my Dreams." American Baby. November 2000: 24.
  6. Fujita, Frank. "The Nature/Nurture Controversy." November 1, 1996. 
  7. Keirsey, David, Jr. "A Review of the Nature Assumption." 
  8. Levy, Gary D. "Gender-Typed and Non-Gender-Typed Category Awareness in Toddlers." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. December 1999: 1-19.
  9. McGee, R., Gardephe, P., Spence, A., Cooper, B., Weathers, E. "Celebrating Our Sons." Healthy Kids. August/September 2000: 56-60.
  10. Raag, Tarja. "Preschoolers’ Awareness of Social Expectations of Gender: Relationships of Toy Choices." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. May 1998: 1-12.
  11. Renzetti, C., and Curran, D. "Gender Socialization." Feminist Philosophies (Second Edition). Ed. Janet Kourany, James Sterba, and Rosemarie Tong. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999. 4-25

Works Cited

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  2. Carine T. G. M. Ex. "Maternal Influence on Daughter’s Gender Role Attitudes." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. February 1998: 1-13.
  3. Carter, Raphael. "What is Gender?" 1994-2000. 
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  6. Feit, Debbie. "The Boy of my Dreams." American Baby. November 2000: 24.
  7. Fisher-Thompson, D. "Adult Sex-Typing of Children's Toys." Sex Roles. 1990, v23 291-303.
  8. Fujita, Frank. "The Nature/Nurture Controversy." November 1, 1996. 
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  15. Levy, Gary D. "Gender-Typed and Non-Gender-Typed Category Awareness in Toddlers." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. December 1999: 1-19.
  16. McGee, R., Gardephe, P., Spence, A., Cooper, B., Weathers, E. "Celebrating Our Sons." Healthy Kids. August/September 2000: 56-60.
  17. Peretti, P. and Sydney, T. "Parental Toy Choice Stereotyping and its Effects on Child Toy Preference and Sex-Role Typing." Social Behavior and Personality. 1984, v 12: 213-216.
  18. Raag, Tarja. "Preschoolers’ Awareness of Social Expectations of Gender: Relationships of Toy Choices." Sex Roles: A Journal of Research. May 1998: 1-12.
  19. Renzetti, C., and Curran, D. "Gender Socialization." Feminist Philosophies (Second Edition). Ed. Janet Kourany, James Sterba, and Rosemarie Tong. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999. 4-25
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