What Writing Students Get From the Net: Using Synchronous Communication to Develop Writerly Skills

Characteristics of Synchronous Communication

Synchronous communication shares some characteristics of all computer-mediated communication, but also has some characteristics unique to real-time live online conversation. Identifying these characteristics is an important step in figuring out what to do with them. When planning a unit in which I intend (or want) to use synchronous media, I take the following into consideration: There may be other characteristics I haven't articulated, or there may be different ways of thinking about them; the key is to decide for yourself what synchronous media can provide for your students. Part of that process may be increasing your own experience with synchronous communication. Once you feel you have identified traits you value in synchronous media, you can examine your course or unit goals to see if synchronous communication would be a useful or appropriate pedagogical tool. Not all assignments are computer-friendly; one of my challenges remains admitting to myself that some of my assignments might not necessarily benefit from online chats. However, there are a few general benefits that students can get from creative uses of synchronous media in the classroom...
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