Challenges in Writing Hypertext

Just as the definition of “text” moves closer to the definition of “reader,” the definition or “reader” is undoubtedly also moving closer to the definition of “writer.”  George Landow notes in Hypertext 2.0 that “the figure of the author approaches, even if it does not entirely merge with the reader; the functions of the reader and the writer become more deeply entwined with each other than ever before” (90).

The writer of hypertext finds themselves "entwined" with others in a more immediate way than most other authors. Not only, as Landow, suggests, does the author find him or herself in partnership with the reader, but will find themselves challenged by the necessity of working as part of a team and, at times, confounded by the very nature of language itself.

Working with Collaborators

The Reader as Co-Author

It Has to be "You"

Teaching a Circuit to Talk