Within eight years, Robert Coover has gone from declaring the end of books to announcing the demise of hypertext. In a recent piece for the online magazine Feed entitled "Literary Hypertext: The Passing of the Golden Age," Coover waxes over the disappearance of what he terms "the golden age of literary hypertext" whose collapse he attributes to "the emergence of the World Wide Web." The warning is frank. Hypertext has reached its apex. 
For those who've only recently lost their footing and fallen into the flood of hypertext, literary or otherwise, it may be dismaying to learn that they are arriving after the golden age is already over, but that's in the nature of golden ages: not even there until so seen by succeeding generations.
Coover, who heralded the end of the book in the now often quoted New York Times piece from June of 1992, "The End of Books," believes that hypertext, in only eight years of popular usage, has fallen victim to the same fate. In much the same way that video supposedly killed the radio star, hypertext, as Coover informs us, has fallen victim to a "great diffusion and popularization" ("Literary Hypertext") brought on by the emergence and success of the World Wide Web