April 26, 1999, through May 7, 1999
In contemporary Computers and Writing, hypertext influences a wide range of activities, from publishing, to teaching, and to service. In this e-list discussion, let's explore how hypertext affects reading and writing in classes and in scholarship, and let's specifically explore how we can teach hypertext document design in the writing classroom classroom, including both theoretical and practical issues. Join in this discussion to share your thoughts and learn more!Special Guest Participants:
Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Purdue University
Greg Siering, Ball State University
Anne Wysocki, Michigan Technological University
The missives contained in this node of the CoverWeb are a sampling of the online discussions portion of Computers and Writing '99 Online Conference, which took place March 1 through June 7, 1999. You can visit the official Computers and Writing '99 Online website (http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/~tari/cw99online/) for more information about the conference as a whole.
Electronic List Coordinators Cindy Wambeam and Bradley Dilger hosted several focused topics which were each discussed for two weeks; the resulting dialogues were lively exchanges of practical and theoretical debate: the discussions actually became the ideal conference session -- engaging the audience and drawing it into dialogue with the presenters. While the postings are certainly not formal, the qualilty of the ideas expressed and the sheer poetry involved in their expression mark these online sessions as worthy of academic publication. And they are, in a sense, peer-reviewed; each post is scrutinized, debated, and critiqued by a panel of experts in the field.
For more information about the other discussion topics, or to see the archive of the list discussions, visit the CW99 Electronic List Central at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jinman/cw99/.
Editor's Note: I've purposely not provided a threaded reading path because I wanted to represent the discussion and dialogue as close to the original form as possible. For that reason too, I've rarely eliminated any text from the messages other than over-extensive back references appearing at the end of some of the messages. I have, however, linked in quotes from and references to other messages, which has given rise to a different kind of hypertextual reading. (There is a threaded archive of all C&W '99 Online discussion list postings available at http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/writing/mail-archives/online99/.)
Begin a "sequential reading", following the order of the posts as they arrived. This is essentially a linear reading arranged by temporal significance rather than context; this path allows the reader the experience of "lurking" on the mailing list, discovering each new response as it comes into play in the greater discussion.
Read a particular voice: