So What is Hypertext, Anyway?

Thus, after an hour and a half in the computer lab and a brief discussion of hypertext, I ask students to define "hypertext."

This is not an easy task. Scholars are still debating exactly how to define hypertext (here are my reflections on the problems and pedagogical possibilities contained in any definition of hypertext). But the students take to it; they reflect on their recent experiences; they begin to write.

Before we move on as a class, we share our definitions and I bring in some expert definitions of hypertext (Rouet, Nelson, Bolter). We discuss all the definitions and try to decide where we stand in relationship to others working with the question of what is hypertext. I insist that the authorities we're discussing are not the be-all-and-end-all answer, just reports from along the way. In fact, I remind the group that because most of the expert opinions I'm bringing in are already dated that our definitions based on experience are often equally accurate. The expert definitions also lead to a discussion of what makes writing sound authoritative.
