While for Promotion and Tenure purposes, many institutions stress Teaching, most faculty look at the traditional triad in the order of Research, Teaching, and finally Service. One other piece in this picture is that faculty seem to consider anything "different" as being Service. Here then is the crux of the problem that has plagued Writing Program Administrators and Writing Center Directors for years. Because what they do is "different," it's considered Service and is devalued.

Now, those people who engage in doing both research in technology and in bringing technology into the classroom face the same problem. Because technology is "different" from the kind of work usually associated with English Studies, it is most often considered Service and, therefore, devalued. In addition, the product of technology is becoming ever more often electronic texts rather than print texts. As a result, those who engage in research using and about technology and who integrate it naturally into their teaching are simply viewed as "alien" in units who value printed text above all.

Through using the "Boyer Model," especially his category of the "Scholarship of Application," I will discuss how technorhetoricians can easily fit their work into Promotion and Tenure guidelines.

Presenter: Barry M. Maid

Category: Administrative

Target Audience: Not Applicable

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