Our joint cyberseminar in composition theory was based on research which concluded that electronic discussion improves students' abilities to debate controversial issues. Three teachers, from North Dakota State, UIPUI and Cal State San Bernadino, collaborated on a co-authored course description with common course readings. The UIPUI and NDSU students would write final papers based on collaboration in pairs (one from each school). Each pair would investigate a controversial issue in composition studies, sharing research responsibilities, project design and final paper or website. Theoretically our pedagogy was sound; in practice our plans floundered. Geography, weather, technology and conflicting personalities intevened, sometimes with a vengeance. The opresentation will address how teachers confronted these problems, and which ones they were able to resolve. Panel members will suggest how teachers might create stronger links between theory and practice.

Presenter: Professor Joan Latchaw


Target Audience: Intermediate

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