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Forum: Spring Break Discussions

Topic: Superstitious Minds

Topic Posted by: Dawn Rodrigues
Date Posted: Sun Mar 8 17:27:03 1998
Topic Description: This essay presents superstitions in a positive light, but in some of the stories we have read so far and in "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings," we see that myths and superstitions can lead people to do harmful things to one another. Were any superstitions handed down to you by your parents or relatives? If so, do you follow these superstitions yourself? Why or Why not. If you do not have any family superstitions, what is your attitude toward people who are superstitious?

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Original Message:

Posted by: Chad Neeley
Date posted: Fri Mar 13 9:49:07 1998
Subject: Superstitious Minds
My family does not have any superstitions. What little superstitions I know learned from my friends or TV. When I lived in California, my friend's parents were very superstitions, and although Robbie did not believe any of them, he followed them for his parent's benefits, much like the author in the story. Everytime Robbie talks bad about someone, he would knock on wood, or if he he came across a penny, he would only pick it up if it was showing heads, because if it shows tails when you pick it up, the problems of it previous owner will be restored on you. What freaked me out was when he was sick, his mom would open all the windows of his room and place a candle on each window seal. In the morning, if two of the candles were burned out he was really sick, and she would take him to a doctor, but if none or one of them burned out, it was just a fluke and he was alright. Even though his parents were superstitious, they did not believe in common superstitions, such as black cats, broken mirrors, opening umbrellas indoors, or walking under a ladder. Many of these superstitions are seen on TV for comedy reasons, or at least this is how I came to know of them. I cannot agree with Robbie's superstitions, nor can I condemn them. As for myself, I do not believe in superstitions, however, whenever a black cat crosses my path, I can't help but think, "this is not my lucky day."


Subject: Superstitious Minds
Reply Posted by: Marina Longoria
Date Posted: Wed Mar 18 9:55:06 1998
Well, I definitely agree with your point of view on this subject, but I too did not agree with all superstitions especially the "Evil Eye". Until it happened to me, it was a different situation. I believed in having faith it would heal my fever but I had to result to something superstitious. Now, I tend to believe in everything that has resulted in something that you can not rely on faith but on a superstition. My family is the same way as your friend Robbie's family is. Can people have faith and have belief in superstitions at the same time??

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