Kairos Meet The Author


KMTA pulls three vital components of Kairos; authors, readers, and staff, together for the space of an hour to discuss issues relating to particular Kairos articles and webbed writing concerns in general. KMTA has been held from November to April on nonconsecutive Monday nights in LinguaMOO. A total of seven KMTAs have been held, including a two part mini-series, co-host authors, and one session with seven authors from the same article. The sessions have all be logged, edited and can be read.

The seven KMTA sessions are:

Interaction is the idea behind KMTA, in fact the authors were each invited to further enter the interaction process by responding to the KMTAs. We welcome response to the KMTA logs, topics, author's responses, or even other's response. In order to foster discussions and response on KMTA a listserv has been formed. To join this listserv send mail to  <Majordomo@utdallas.edu> with the following command in the body of your email message:
   subscribe kmta