The link The Research Paper and the World Wide Web points to, the Prentice Hall website for the text. Each of the links to specific chapters and materials within those chapters can be found by following this link.

The link Bradley Bleck points to which is the reviewer's homepage at the Community College of Southern Nevada's department of English.

The link English Online points to which is the Houghton Mifflin website support for the text English Online written by Eric Crump and Nick Carbone.

The link Web Works points to the W.W. Norton website supporting the online text Web Works written by Martin Irvine.

The link Online! points to which is the Saint Martin's Press website supporting Online! written by by Andrew Harnack and Eugene Kleppinger.

The link Casting Your Net points to which is the homepage for Allyn and Bacon. Unfortunately this text by H. Eric Branscomb has not yet been provided with its own publisher supported website.

The link UseNet points to which contains the Usenet Info Center Launchpad, a website containing a hypertext link to the 15,000-plus Usenet newsgroups can be found. This page is maintained by Sun SITE at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The link writing across the curriculum programs points to which is a Writing Across the Curriculum website maintained by Larry Beason of the English Department at Eastern Washington University in the beautiful Spokane, Washington suburb of Cheney. This site contains links to a wide variety of WAC websites.

The link an online composition class I've been teaching takes you to which is the homepage and syllabus for Freshman Composition courses taught both online and in a networked classroom by the reviewer, Bradley Bleck.