Virtual reality preceded the... written word, the printing press, the novel, the type writer, television the word processor, the internet, hypertext and computer stimulated "virtual reality." Virtual reality requires only the human mind, and the developments over time serve merely as instruments to encourage one to access their "cyberspace," or their capacity to acknowledge the infinite and to imagine the unbelievable. Of the tools that man created to enhance his mind, the processes involved in reading and writing allows him to enter into an artificial reality where he can see from behind another's eyes. Unlike a dream, the participant is conscious and is able to travel to another world and back with out memory loss and in doing so accesses untraveled "space" in the brain. The modern concepts of cyberspace and virtual reality bring about an entirely new meaning to the idea of the infinite. The Post-Modern society is becoming immersed in technology and thus the gradual human/machine interface emerges. There is an unspoken jealousy harbored by humans towards the machine and it's ability to store vast amounts of information. Fear that the machine may over power the feeble human mind looms in the hearts of many, as it appears the top of the food chain has finally met its match. These feelings are counteracted by the desire to escape from the horrors of the urbanized world to a more pleasant atmosphere. The television has become an avenue of escape and entertainment for many Americans, slowly phasing out the novel and thus inhibiting them from thinking on an infinite level. In this respect, virtual reality serves as an improvement over the television, but leaves people with an artificial sense of repair and a false promise of tranquillity. Despite the benefits and advantages consummated through virtual reality, a society that is built of false identities and that hides from reality is intrinsically weak.