Postmodern Philosophy

NetGuide Gold Site Postmodern Philosophy NetGuide Gold Site

Baudrillard | Deleuze (and Guatarri) | Derrida | Foucault | Gadamer | Habermas | Hegel | Heidegger | Hermeneutics | Journals and E-zines | Kant | Lacan | Lyotard | Marx and Critical Theory | Merleau-Ponty | Nietzsche | Semiotics | General

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Hi, I'm G.K. Parish-Philp, and this is my Postmodern Philosophy page. On this page you will find modern, phenomenological, Marxist, hermeneutical, deconstructive, structuralist, etc., etc. philosophical resources. Please feel free to e-mail me with any thoughts, comments, suggestions, links, questions, etc. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information on the web concerning recent continental philosophy, so if you would like to submit an article or paper on any topic of relevance (or a short synopsis of a thinker's life and work), I will gladly link to it or publish it on this site.