In his brief essay After Modernity, What?, James Davidson Hunter states that "In 'post-modernism'. . .justice becomes a matter of who has power." In such a situation, control becomes very important, because to control something is to have some degree of power over it. The typical viewer has very little control over television. She may change channels or even turn it off, but she lacks true freedom. There may indeed be seventy channels to choose from, but what if the channel she wants to watch is not offered? The viewer only has enough freedom to chose from a given set of possibilities, when there are, in fact, limitless possibilities. The WWWeb offers the viewer a greater deal of freedom. While it is true that no one will ever be truly free in this aspect (it would require an electronic Library of Babel for true freedom) there is a remarkable difference between seventy available channels on a television and millions of available nodes on the WWWeb. If you desire to learn more about a given topic, odds are against you being able to turn on the television and finding a program on that topic. However, on the WWWeb, all programs are always on, and odds are someone has spent the time to publish the information you desire. You would probably be overwhelmed by all of the information you can find on the WWWeb.

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