The most highly criticized "characteristic of the internet" is not even a "characteristic of the internet," it is why people use it. "Sure, go ahead, use the web if you don't have the strength to deal with the real world."

The question we have to ask ourselves here, is: Is using the internet for escape value bad? Is it, in a way, skipping out on our responsibilities as a physical human being?

Well, the Gnostics thought that the human body was only a temporary shell for your soul and that the matters of the physical world were second in importance to your physical body. They thought you should spend your lives self-absorbed in contemplation so that you could receive the "gnosis" or "knowledge" to free your inner self from the shackles of the the body.

Maybe our soul is what really matters. Sure, we as human being have immediate physical needs like food and water, and we need to engage in the physical world to be sure that these needs are filled. People need breaks. They need the escape. They need to implode sometimes! Besides, what makes the internet any different from the book or the movie or the deeply involved conversation? All1 involve the human stepping outside of their physical bodies!

Wrap Up

