Now you know Bill, that all of us feminists in the department are ardent. It's just that there are many "ardents" just as there are many feminisms! But, of course, I will admit that there are women who think computers are feminine. Dale Spender's "Nattering on the Net," for instance, makes the case that cyberculture is a good thing and that it undoes the hegemony of books, which have signified authority. Interestingly, she gives compelling evidence that many of our arguments against technology are quite like those against the printing press, perpetrated by those worried about the quality of mass-produced works, the loss of control by the clergy over thought, etc. She's talking theoretically, however. There is plenty of talk on both the ACW-list and FEM-PED about how technology works when you are embodied in a classroom . . . excuse me, lab!
Bill responds