Jello and Fruit

We experience ourselves as having parts (arms, legs, etc.) that we can control independently. Likewise, we experience physical objects either in terms of parts that they naturally have, or parts that we impose on them, either by virtue of our perceptions, our interactions with them, or our uses for them (Lakoff and Johnson 82).

Men especially enjoy describing women's breasts as a metaphor for various types of food: "Satisfying hunger and sexual desires both stem from the hypothalamus in the brain" (Sherwood 96). This may be one of the possibilities as to why men compare breasts with jello. Men are intrigued and like to watch both of them jiggle and bounce in all different directions. There is also an incredible urge to feel and play with breasts and jello. Jello, like breasts, can come in all kinds of flavors, colors, and shapes. Sugar-free jello can be very distinct, deceptive, or unpleasing because men feel cheated out of authentic Jello. However, some men can't tell the difference between Nutrasweet and natural sugar. Nutrasweet is a metaphor for the silicone in breast implants. Some men can't tell the difference and enjoy imitations just as well as the "real thing." It is also important to note that men may only crave authentic Jello, and would be more satisfied with a much smaller portion of authentic Jello than a whole pan of artificially sweetened gelatin. In the end, it is all consumed.

By far, however, the most classic metaphors compare breasts to different kinds of fruit. This is probably the most popular because breasts, like fruit, come in a variety of shapes, textures, colors, and consistencies. Grapes, lemons, cantaloupes, and watermelons are all unique in so many different ways. However, the fruit with the highest degree of sweetness and popularity is the watermelon which is by far the largest. The same could also be said for the size of breasts that men desire most. The bigger the better, the more the better.

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