Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 10:20:11 -0500
From: RWalls
Subject: Re: Robert Walls, a folk hero

I do not frequent educational listservs, in fact, this is the first time I have ever heard of them. I am aware of the issue of banned books now. However, up until this year and the confrontation with the school board, I basically knew nothing to a large degree about "book banning". I had heard that things like that happened but I thought it only happened in the "bible belt" or foreign countries. I was not concerned or worried in the least about this "event" happening to me.

I teach History, specifically Psychology, Sociology and U.S. History, I am not a writer. The book, School Girls, by Peggy Orenstein, I used in my senior Psychology class as an outside resource. I did have my students write opinion papers on the book and some were quite good. I forwarded some of them to Peggy Orenstein at her request. I would like to discuss writing a paper or something. Keep in mind that I am not a writer, just someone who likes to teach, and believes in what he is doing. Please advise what I need to do.

I have never been to NYC but have been wanting to get there some day so maybe now with the offer of a free dinner I will try to make it happen. I love the theatre!!

Thanks for your support,


From: RWalls
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 10:43:34 -0500
Subject: Re: Robert Walls, a folk hero


I "surf" the web for information that I could use for my classes e.g. Tulane Univ has a Civil War simulation site that I want to use in class. I mainly use the internet for research and e-mail. I have a new computer at home and I took my old computer and put it in my classroom.

Our school just opened a new media center with 20 computers and Internet access. However, students are not allowed to use the Internet yet because of pornography. Everyone is "frightened "that the kids will use the Internet just for this purpose. Yeah, right. So, until a policy is set in stone or our media specialist can come up with a "porno blocker" my students are unable to use the Internet.


From: RWalls
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 19:21:52 -0500
Subject: Re: Robert Walls, a folk hero


Went surfing on the web and visited your home page. Thanks for the Vietnam Viets page, I didn't know they had one. I was in Vietnam in 68-69, stationed at OL Alpha, outside of Nha Trang. An Air Force Air Traffic Controller serving TDY with the 5th Special Forces at the OL Alpha(Hon Tre Island). I assume you also served there.

See ya,

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