New Call for Webgeist Submissions

Webgeist, an electronic magazine for the erudite websurfer, announces its third Forum issue to be published in April 15, 1997.

Manuscripts of any length will be accepted until APRIL 1, 1997, which may focus on, from both pragmatic and theoretical perspectives, the present and future state of American education.

Much has been written/discussed--on the Net, on teevee, in newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals and anthologies--about the present and future state of American education. What are your thoughts on this topic? We hope to compile multiple perspectives into our Forum3 issue.

To view WEBGEIST and submission guidelines go to:

We also invite responses to any of the previous Forum essays, and will publish your responses on an ongoing basis. Please make your responses of sufficient magnitude in order to encourage continuing dialogue on the chosen topic.

Also, we continue to make our ongoing general call for stories and poems, book, music, video, film, and CD reviews. Graphic artists are encouraged to submit small (30-50K) JPG or GIF files of artwork. We accept and publish fiction, poetry, and reviews on an ongoing basis.

Thanks for your interest!

Patrick Bjork, Ph.D.
Dept. of English
Bismarck State College