In connection to the 1997 Crime Writers of Scandinavia Conference ( one of the themes will be the English mystery, and we are experimenting with a new form of electronic publishing. We are planning an WWW anthology of articles about aspects of the English mystery.

If you would like to contribute to this, please send an email to me ( or go to this page for further information:

Here you can learn more about the anthology. I hope that many would like to participate. Apart from the overall theme there are very few restrictions, and we encourage short as well as long contributions within a variety of different genres: bibliography, biography, thematic article, author introduction, review etc.

Deadline is May 1, but we encourage you to send your contribution as soon as possible.

Associate Professor Jan B. Steffensen

Royal School of Librarianship, Aalborg branch
4 Langagervej, DK-9220 Aalborg Ost
Tel. +45 98 157922
Fax +45 98 151042