LoggingOn Defensio tabularum:  Dene Grigar


No one will deny the importance placed upon securing data for research--research that reinforces our relationship with the academy and the world around us. Tenure and promotion are predicated upon successful investigations that entail locating and documenting information and ideas. Likewise cultural change is fomented by substantive and innovative exploration. Research depends upon archived information.

The plan we are suggesting for archiving the information and ideas found in Kairos  is derived from a suggestion made by John Barber, Assistant Professor of English at Northwestern State University and a frequent contributor to Kairos .

Barber's idea is that we continue to offer our journal online in the same evolving, hypertextual format as we currently do and, at the same time, preserve all articles and information found in the main text and bridge pages of Kairos  simultaneously in static iterations like print and CD-ROMs. Authors who submit work to the journal will also be advised to provide an annotation of each external link found in their hypertextual iteration--links that lead outside the article outside the immediate Kairos  webspace out to places that may disappear or change in the future-- the original URL addresses where the information in the external links were originally found, and a Links Cited Page.

Similarly, we will maintain electronic archives of the back issues of Kairos  on the World Wide Web for as long as there is space and a web to do so.

The version that will be archived in print and on CD-ROM is the same one that appears as the issue's first release, similar to a book's first edition. Preserving these static versions of the text offers Kairos  authors a method for documenting hard copy iterations of their work for tenure and promotion purposes. In addition, researchers of webbed environments will have access to Kairos  in multiple formats, thus allowing them a vast array of sources for securing material for their writing. Static versions of Kairos , published at the same time as hypertextual versions, can be sold or donated to libraries, researchers, and others interested in Kairos .

Indeed this plan preserves the integrity of Kairos  hypertextual form and, at the same time, may meet the needs of future researchers who wish to study early iterations of hypertextual journals or look at articles dealing with ancient webbed environments.

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