Who Owns School?
Authority, Students, and Online Discourse

by Kelly Ritter

New Dimensions in Computers and Composition Series
eds. Cynthia Selfe and Gail Hawisher
Hampton Press, 2010

Reviewed by Rita Malenczyk
Director, University Writing Program and Writing Center
Eastern Connecticut State University


What About Freire?

The Pink Monkey

Psst! Wanna Buy A...?

And His Pants Are Ugly



References and Credits

For example, remarks that describe certain teachers as insulting, arrogant or sexist are often followed by others that attempt to explain and counter the previous writers’ perceptions (e.g., “If you attend his class and actually participate in his discussions then he will take notice of you.  If you just sit and stare then you will be bored and eventually get insulted”; “I am a female and do not see what [a previous writer] means [by claiming the teacher is sexist] at all….That girl is bitter that she didn’t do well” [p. 138]). (back)