(0) Hildebrand Jacobs in an early 1700s essay entitled "How the Mind is Raised by the Sublime" offered a list of places most likely to invoke the feeling: oceans, setting sun, caverns, and "Swiss mountains."


(1) Google search: At this writing, 6,420,000 hits for "travel experts"


(2) "Who put me here?"—Pascal

from: "When I consider...the small space I occupy, which I see swallowed up in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I know nothing and which know nothing of me, I take fright and amazed...there is no reason for me be here rather than there; now rather than then. Who put me here?"— Pascal, Pensees


(3) "Not a precipice, not a torrent, not a cliff, but is pregnant with religion and poetry."—Thomas Grey


(4) The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.—Marcel Proust


(5)Don't panic! —Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


(6) Even disasters—there are always disasters when you travel—can be turned into adventures. —Marilyn French


(7) It seemed an advantage to be traveling alone. Our responses to the world are crucially molded by the company we keep.—Alain de Botton


(8) Dorothy, reluctant traveler, in Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz


(9)The journey not the arrival matters.— T.S. Eliot


(10) "Room travel": See 18th century's Xavier de Maistre, "Journey around My Bedroom" and its thrilling sequel "Nocturnal Expedition around my Bedroom."


(11) I travel not to go anywhere but to go...the great affair is to move.—Robert Louis Stevenson


(12) Book jacket copy: Art of Travel.


(13) Keep moving.—Hunter Thompson

The end of a journey is never an end. It's just another beginning....