Epiphany Summer Institutes

Mapping New Rhetorical Spaces:

Building Bridges from Current to New Technologies

In cooperation with a team of teaching-with-technology leaders, Trent Batson and Judy Williamson, who serve respectively as director and administrator of the Annenberg/CPB-sponsored Epiphany Project, offered two information-packed summer training institutes for computers and writing teachers and administrators during the first weeks of June, 1996. Nearly forty participants from around the nation attended the first institute in Newark, and forty more assembled a few days later for the second institute in Richmond.

The institutes offered varying formats, including panel presentations, concurrent hands-on workshops, software demonstrations, and small group projects. Several recurring themes connected all of the participants, in both locations, encouraging many institute leaders and participating people to combine their voices here and share their views and reviews of the Epiphany Summer Institutes. Their comments reflect particularly upon the institutes' scope and abundance of information, their frenetic and sometimes exhausting pace, and the diversity of representation, all of which contributed toward building camaraderie and a shared sense of new experiences that institute leaders and participants enjoyed at both locations, regardless of their varying levels of expertise. And although the Institutes have ended, the discussions and the ideas that they inspired continue.

Claudine Keenan George Otte Peter Sands Contributors

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